• Panel Sessions Overview

    • Panel Session 1: Innovation Policy
    • Panel Session 2: The Financial Ecosystem and New Technologies
    • Panel Session 3: Spaces of Ecology, Innovation and Societal Change
    • Panel session 4: Ecosystems
    • Panel Session 5: AI and Growth
    • Panel Session 6: Transdisciplinarity
    • Panel Session 7: Technology, Migration and International Venturing
    • Panel Session 8: Citizen Entrepreneurship: The Project and Integrating the Key Themes
  • Time Programmes Speakers/Panellists Moderators
    9.30 am Opening of the Conference

    • Welcome and Introductions

    • Introduction to the IEF Objectives of and Expectations from the Conference, and Publications
    • Prof. Antonio Sousa Pereira - Rector of University of Porto, Portugal

    • Prof. João Claro - President of INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal

    • Prof. Joana Resende - Vice-Rector University of Porto for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Porto, Portugal

    • Prof. Rui Calcada - Dean of FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal

    • Prof. Jose Fernando Oliveira - Director of Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Porto, Portugal

    • Dr. Paulo Rios de Oliveira - Administrator at AICEP - Portuguese Trade & Investment Agency, City Hall, Porto, Portuga

    • Prof. Joao Jose Pinto Ferreira, University of Porto, Portugal

    • Heitor Benfeito, Critical Ventures, Porto, Portugal

    • Prof. Jay Mitra, University of Essex, UK
    Jay Mitra
    10:30am Welcome to the Empathy Room: The Exclusive Introductory Network Forum for all panellists: Conversations and music (self-managed). Networking programme for other delegates, with tea and coffee.
    11:00am Panel Session 1: Innovation Policy

    • Sustainability

    • ESG

    • Digital Framework Conditions
    • Sergio Arzeni, International Network for SMEs (INSME), Italy

    • Prof. Marcus Dejardin, Namur University, Belgium

    • Manuel Aroso, Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, Canada

    • Joao Mil-Homens, Jose de Mello Group, Portugal

    • Dr. Bettina Becker, University of Durham, UK
    Sergio Arzeni
    12:15pm Panel session 2: The Financial Ecosystem and New Technologies

    • Finance Ecosystems

    • AI and Finance

    • Alternative Digital Finance

    • Business Angels

    • Valuations

    • Mentoring
    • Prof. Hani Hagras, University of Essex, UK

    • Heitor Benfeito, Critical Ventures, Portugal

    • Nick Hixson, Hixsons Ltd., UK

    • Dr. Rui Falcao, Portugal

    • Marco Fernandes, SME Collateral Funds, Portugal

    • Joao Pereira, Portugal Ventures, Portugal

    Research Paper: Susana Bernadino, Professor of Management at the Polytechnic of Porto – ‘Crowdfunding for sustainable development projects: Empirical analysis of a Portuguese sustainability-oriented platform’.

    Heitor Benfeito
    13:45pm Lunch
    14:45pm Panel Session 3: Spaces of Ecology, Innovation and Societal Change

    • Sustainable Cities

    • Urban Networks

    • Health and Society

    • Social Media

    • Regenerative Innovation
    • Dr. Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

    • Dr. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany

    • Prof. Martin Curley, Maynooth University, Ireland

    • Prof. Chux Gervase Iwu, University of Western Cape, South Africa

    • Prof. Anne-Laure Mention, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

    Research Paper: Sara El Haddouti, PhD Student at Hassan Premier University, Morocco – ‘To Innovate or Not to Innovate: Do financial inclusion & female participation hold the key for Moroccan firms?’

    Chux Gervase Iwu
    16:00pm Tea and Coffee Break
    16:15pm Panel Session 4: Ecosystems

    • Digital Ecosystems

    • Mapping the Landscape: Entrepreneurship Dynamics and Ecosystems (with a special focus on Africa)
    • Dr. Charlotte Palesa Felix-Faure, IDRAC Business School, France

    • Dr. Phumlani Nkontwana, Allan Grey Centre for Africa Entrepreneurship, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

    • Prof. Natanya Meyer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

    • Dr. McEdward Murimbika, Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Witswaterand, South Africa

    • Prof. Cecil Nieuwenhuizen, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

    • Prof. Chris Schachtebeck, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
    Charlotte Palesa
    17:45pm End of First Day
    19:00pm Cocktail Reception at City Hall, Porto – Bus to leave conference venue at 18.00 sharp
  • Time Programmes Speakers/Panellists Moderators
    9:30am Tea and Coffee - Networking
    10:00 am Panel Session 5: AI and Growth

    • Business Incubation in the Digital Space

    • AI and New Business Models

    • The Female Digital Dividend
    • Sudip Roy, Divitae Ltd., UK

    • Prof. Jessica Lichy, IDRAC Business School, France

    • Paulo Santos, European Space Agency Incubation Center

    • Besma Kraiem, Knowlepsy, Portugal

    • Prof. Zubin Sethna, Regents University, London, UK

    Research Paper:Gunnar Prause, Professor at Wismar Business School, Germany – ‘NFT-Solutions for Sustainable Entrepreneurship’.

    Sudip Roy
    11:15am Panel Session 6: Transdisciplinarity

    • Meaning

    • Content

    • Pedagogy

    • Structure
    • Prof. Piero Formica, Maynooth University, Ireland

    • Prof. Roderick Lawrence, University of Geneva, Switzerland

    • Prof. Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University, USA

    • Prof. Joao Jose Pinto Ferreira, University of Porto, Portugal
    Piero Formica
    12:30pm Lunch
    13:30pm Panel Session 7: Technology, Migration and International Venturing

    • People and Digital International Business

    • Environmental Technologies and International Business
    • Prof. George Saridakis, University of Kent, UK

    • Jan Goesaert, Silk Road Partners BV, Belgium

    • Prof. Jay Mitra, University of Essex, UK

    Research Paper:Deepica Sachdeva, PhD Student at Hochschule Fulda, University of Applied Sciences, Germany – ‘Programs Fostering Entrepreneurship for Migrant Women with Correspondence analysis Approach’.

    George Saridakis
    16:15pm End of Day 2
    19:30pm Conference Dinner at Casa da Musica, Concert Hall in Porto
    Address: Av. da Boavista 604-610, 4149-071 Porto, Portugal
  • Time Programmes Speakers/Facilitators
    The Business Angel Investment Workshop
    9:00 - 13:00
    • Part 1: Telling the Story of Business Angel Funding

    • Part 2: Fine Tuning the Practice of Angel Funding

    • Part 3: Start-Up Pitching
    • Rui Falcao, Jay Mitra

    • Rui Falcao, Pedro Bandeira, Heitor Benfeito, Nick Hixson, Sudip Roy

    • Pedro Bandeira, Sarah Sommersguter
    Close of Workshop
