The Business Angel Investment Workshop

  • The Business Angel Investment Workshop

    1. The Business Angel Investment Workshop
      The 20th IEF conference is hosting a unique workshop on Business Angel Investing and its evolution and development funding the local ecosystems worldwide. The workshop aims to involve those considering entering in this activity, first-time comers, angel investors that want to improve their results, the start-up community and researchers working in the field of entrepreneurship, to encourage the emergence of a sophisticated angel funding ecosystem.
      The main objectives are to:
      • Attract new players to help grow the business angel investing community in Portugal.
      • Highlight good practice to date in business angel investment and how to avoid pitfalls and overcome barriers to such investment.
      • Better integrate the business angel investment community in the wider entrepreneurship and economic ecosystem.
      • Facilitate productive interactions with the research community to help develop robust ex-ante and post hoc evaluation measures and evidence-based state of the art positioning of angel investment funding for start-ups.

    2. The Workshop Structure
      To help meet the objectives stated above, the workshop will be structured in three parts:
      • Part 1: Telling the story of Business Angel Funding
      • Part 2: Fine-tuning the practice of angel funding
        • Presenting the Angel Canvas
        • Individual work on the personal Angel Canvas to address their
          • Individual Angel Goals
          • Risk Profile
          • Involvement Profile
          • Preferred Startup Maturity
          • Preferred Verticals
          • Preferred Geography
          • Preferred Business Models
          • Secret Sauce
          • Preferred Investment Vehicle
          • Annual Investment Amount
          • Ticket Per Startup
          • Portfolio Plan
        • Plenary to discuss individual answers
      • Part 3: Pitching Session for Start-Ups
        • Startup 1 pitching (5min)
        • Q&A (10min)
        • Startup 2 pitching (5min)
        • Q&A (10min)
        • Discuss important questions and founders’ answers

    3. Programme
      Time Session Speakers and Facilitators
      9:00 Introduction to the Workshop Rui Falcao and Heitor Benfeito
      9:15 Part 1: Telling the Story of Business Angel Funding Rui Falcao, Jay Mitra
      9:45 Part 2: Fine Tuning the practice of angel funding Rui Falcao, Pedro Bandeira, Heitor Benfeito, Nick Hixson, Sudip Roy
      11:15 Coffee break
      11:30 Part 3: Start-Up Pitching Pedro Bandeira, Sarah Sommersguter
      12:45 Lessons from the Day Rui Falcao, Heitor Benfeito
      13:00 Close of Workshop
    4. Workshop Fee
      Entry fee for the workshop: Euro€50
      Payments should be made to the account details provided in the registration link, or cash at the workshop reception desk.
      Workshop included with full conference registration.