

  • Full Professor of Economics Université de Namur & Université catholique de Louvain
    Director of the Chair of Excellence for Research and Expertise in Entrepreneurship (CHEREE)
    Member of DeFiPP - CERPE and LIDAM - CIRTES


    PhD in Economics (June 2007, University of Namur). Dissertation: Essays in the Economics of Entrepreneurship. Jury: M. Mignolet (director), Alain de Crombrugghe (president), David Audretsch, Bernard Surlemont, Eric Toulemonde. Ameritech Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, Bloomington, and Visiting Scholar at Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik, Jena.
    B.A. and M.A. in Economics and Social Sciences (University of Namur). Dissertation: The Classical Economists and the Anti-Famine Policies of the East India Company (1783-1858). Visiting Student at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.


    As of September 2021, Full Professor (professeur ordinaire) of Economics at Université de Namur and UCLouvain.
    September 2015 – August 2021, Professor of Economics at Université de Namur and UCLouvain.
    September 2012 – August 2015, Associate Professor of Economics at Université de Namur and UCLouvain.
    September 2010 – August 2012, Assistant Professor of Economics at Université de Namur and UCLouvain.
    August 2008 - December 2010, Assistant Professor of Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
    September 2007 - August 2010, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics at the Université catholique de Louvain and Université Saint-Louis Brussels, and for the CEMS Programme at UCL.
    September 2004 - August 2010, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Social Sciences, Université de Namur.
    April 1995 - August 2004, Researcher and then Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Social Sciences, Université de Namur.


    Economics of Entrepreneurship; Macroeconomics; Spatial and Regional Economics; Industrial Organization: Market Structures; Project and Policy Assessment; Applied Quantitative Methods.
    Regular course load: at UNamur, Analyse macroéconomique et choix politique [EFASM054], 30 hours ; Principes d'économie [EFASB254], 30 hours ; Séminaire de lectures scientifiques [EFAEM007], 15 hours; Information et décision [EFASM408] (temporary), 9 hours; at UCLouvain : Macroéconomie et politique économique [LOPES2150], 45 hours ; Dynamiques entrepreneuriales et territoriales [LOPES2215], 30 hours.


    Senior research scholarship awarded (2020) to mentor and develop research within the “Sustainable, Intelligent and Inclusive Regional and City Models Program” in the frame of the Human Resources Development Operative Program (EFOP) project nr. 3.6.2-16-2017-00017, supported by a consortium of three top Hungarian universities.
    KSG Best Entrepreneurship Research Award 2018 received for Dejardin, M., Vanderstraeten, J., Hermans, J., van Witteloostuijn, A. (2018). SME innovativeness in a dynamic environment: Is there any value in combining causation and effectuation?. 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Germany, University of Hohenheim / Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart (10-12/10/2018).
    Codirector of the SMESESAP – BELSPO research project (2011-2014), with Prof. Arjen van Witteloostuijn (U. Antwerpen and U. Tilburg, coordinator). Total budget: 594 210 euros. of PhD theses: Luca FARÈ (Université de Namur). Innovation and Financing Access: Are Entrepreneurial SMEs Different? (achieved on March 6, 2023; co-promoter: E. Toulemonde); Guylord KITUMBA (Université de Kinshasa). Coping strategies by microentrepreneurs in Kinshasa (achieved on November 11, 2021; co-promotor J. Mbwaka Mandudi, Université de Kinshasa); Hélène LAURENT (Université de Namur). Essays in Public and Entrepreneurship Economics: Taxation and Corruption (achieved on October 1, 2018); Christophe ERNAELSTEEN (Université de Namur). Essays in Public Economics and Regional Competitiveness (in progress); Pierre LAURENT (Université de Namur). Essays in Innovation and Market Structures Dynamics (abandoned); Charlie TCHINDA (Université de Namur). Essays in the Economics of Self-employment (working title; in progress). Supervisor of Postdocs: Julie HERMANS (2011-2014), Aydin INEMEK (2014-2016), Olivier GIACOMIN (2013-2014). Since 2009, Scientific Advisor and Member of the PhD Committee of more than fourteen PhD theses (University of Namur, Tilburg University, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Louvain Management School, University of Antwerp, University of Liège, University of Caen, Université d’Angers, Université de Rennes 1, Universidad de Lleida, Maastricht University, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Université catholique de Lille).
    Direction and co-direction of several MA theses (UNamur, UCL-OPES, UCL-ESPO, LSM-UCL, EUR-ESE).
    Research stays at Indiana University Bloomington, University of Caen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Max Planck Institute Jena, University of Deusto, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Université Paris Nanterre.
    Member of the Working Group “New Economy”, AICGS - Johns Hopkins University.
    (Founding) Editor of the New Economics Papers – Entrepreneurship Newsletter(ongoing). Editor of Small Business Economics (ongoing), Associate Editor of The Annals of Regional Science (ongoing) and Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine (2011-2020).
    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development, International Review of Entrepreneurship, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, Small Business International Review, Economic Thought and Practice, Dynamiques régionales, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique. Founding Member of the Entrepreneurship Research Society.
    Refereeing for: Journal of Political Economy, Nature Communications, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Small Business Economics, World Development, Journal of Economic Psychology, The European Journal of Health Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Journal of Institutional Economics, Recherches Economiques de Louvain - Louvain Economic Review, Papers in Regional Science, Annals of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Journal of Small Business Management, International Small Business Journal, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Brussels Economic Review, GéographieEconomie-Société, Revue Internationale PME, Management International, Brussels Studies; Pearson Education
    Member of the International Jury for the Gate2Growth European Best Paper Awards, IESE Business School, 2005. Refereeing for the USASBE Conference (San Antonio, 2008; Anaheim, 2009); the ASAC Conference (Ottawa, 2007); the Academy of Management Congress – Entrepreneurship Division (Seattle, 2003; New Orleans, 2004; Philadelphia, 2007; Anaheim, 2008; Chicago, 2009; Orlando, 2013).


    Dejardin, M. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Entrepreneurship Awareness-Raising Devices in the Education System: Some Guidelines. Keynote for the CIREL Online International Conference, Lille, University of Lille, November.
    Dejardin, M. (2020). Decision making logics with regard to innovation strategy in stable and dynamic environments. John Cabot University, Rome, June (remote due to the Covid-19 pandemic).
    Dejardin, M. (2020), Étudier la performance entrepreneuriale et… en éviter les écueils. Séminaire de recherche en ligne de l’Association Internationale de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat et PME (AIREPME), Juin. Dejardin, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Dynamics. Keynote. First ERSA Winter School, France, Lille (22-26/1/2018).
    Tchinda, C., Dejardin, M. (2018). The Ambiguous Meaning of Opportunity in the Explanation of Solo Self-employed Intentions to Grow. CRSE Global Workshop on Freelancing & Self-Employment Research. Royaume-Uni, Londres (26-27/4/2018).
    Spithoven, A., Dejardin, M. (2018). Global Open Innovation Practices of SMEs and the Creation of Regional Innovation Ecosystems. RSA Annual Conference, Switzerland, Università della Svizzera Italiana (3-6/6/2018), and 58th ERSA Congress “Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and Liveable Regions”, Ireland, Cork (28-31/8/2018).
    Dejardin, M., Vanderstraeten, J., Hermans, J., van Witteloostuijn, A. (2018). SME innovativeness in a dynamic environment: Is there any value in combining causation and effectuation?. 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Allemagne, University of Hohenheim / Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart (10-12/10/2018).
    Dejardin, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Resilience. Keynote. III. ICUBERD Conference, Hungary, University of Pécs, Pécs (29/11/2018).
    Dejardin, M. (2018). Invited panelist of the plenary panel session « Regional Development and Global Cooperation ». 17th International Entrepreneurship Forum Conference, France, ICN Business School, Nancy (12- 14/12/2018).


    Henry, C., Ballantine, J., Dejardin, M., Neergaard, H., Křížková, A. “Exploring Entrepreneurship Policy in a Global Context: A Gender Perspective”, Special Issue for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (in preparation).
    Janssen, F., Hoogendoorn, B., Rietveld, N., van Burg, E., Dejardin, M. “Entrepreneurship and Religion”, Special Issue for Small Business Economics (Online First).
    Dejardin, M., Levratto, N. (2023) “Entrepreneurial Territories: Measures, Determinants and Outcomes”, Special Issue for the Annals of Regional Science. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-022-01198-8
    Leitão, J., Dejardin, M. (2022). Track: “Entrepreneurship and the Region”. 20th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 26-28.
    Dejardin, M., Fritsch, M., Greve, M., Wyrwich, M., (2022). Special Session: Aligning entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Regional Policy. 61st ERSA Congress “Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) world – Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”, Pécs, Hungary (23-26/8/2022; in preparation).
    Wyrwich, M., Fritsch, M., Dejardin, M. (2020). Special Session: Linking Entrepreneurship and Regional Policy. 60th ERSA Congress “Territorial Futures”, Bolzano, Italy (25-28/8/2020).
    Dejardin, M., Dotti, N. F., Spithoven, A. (2020). 3d Scientific Workshop of the Belgian Urban and Regional Economists Network (BURENET), Brussels, KU Leuven (15/12/2020; online).
    Wyrwich, M., Fritsch, M., Dejardin, M. (2019). Special Session: Regional Entrepreneurship Policy. 59th ERSA Congress “Cities, regions and digital transformations: Opportunities, risks and challenges”, Lyon, France (27- 30/8/2018).
    Fernández Laviada, A., Dejardin, M., García Pérez De Lema, D., Bonnet, J. (2018). Sixth International Workshop Entrepreneurship, Culture, Finance and Economic Development: Inspiring a Better World through Social Entrepreneurship, Santander, Spain (14-15/6/2018).


    Subcontractor for PWC, ‘Les performances des PME belges à l’export’, SPF Economie (2016).
    Subcontractor for Idea Consult, ‘Etude relative à la caractérisation des relations inter-industrielles en Wallonie et au positionnement de l’industrie wallonne au sein des chaînes de valeur mondiales vision prospective’, Service public de Wallonie (2013).
    Direction of UNamur Research Team ‘EC Structural Funds 2000-2006’, Service public de Wallonie (1999).


    Member of the Central Economic Council, Belgium, and of the National Productivity Board, Belgium.
    Member of the Technical Evaluation Committee of successive Regional Development Plans for Wallonia, Institut Wallon d’Evaluation, de Prospective et de la Statistique, 2006-present.
    Member of the Working Group ‘Entrepreneurship’, Central Economic Council, Belgium.
    September 2013 – August 2016, Member of the Executive Committee of CIRTES- Université catholique de Louvain.
    August 2010 – August 2016, Director of the Department of Time-Shifted Programs in Economics and Business Administration (FASEG), University of Namur.
    President of the ‘Regional Development’ Task Force, CSES-Université catholique de Louvain, 2010-2012.
    Effective coordinator of the Erasmus School of Economics’ Minor in Entrepreneurship, 2009-2010.
    Administrator of the French-speaking Section of the Regional Science Association, 2002-present.
    Member of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society.
    Member of the Regional Science Association International (ASRDLF Section).


    French (mother tongue), English (fluent), Dutch (intermediary), German (basics).

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