
Dr Bettina Becker

  • Dr Bettina Becker is as an Associate Professor in Strategy and Innovation at Durham University Business School in the UK. An economist with a research focus on innovation, she received her undergraduate degree (Dipl.-Volkswirtin) from the University of Bonn in Germany, including one year at the University of Cambridge; her MSc degree from the London School of Economics; and her PhD from Birkbeck College at the University of London. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

    Bettina’s research interests include innovation policy, environmental innovation, open innovation, and economics of innovation. She enjoys and has extensive experience in micro-econometric analysis and in summarising and disseminating the results of technical analysis to academic, policy and industry audiences.

    Output of Bettina’s work on innovation policy has been cited in several publications by policy-making and policy-advising institutions, such as the Social Market Foundation in the UK, The Hamilton Project in the US, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, the World Bank, the OECD, and the European Commission.

    Bettina has served as a member of the International Panel of Experts for the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish government, Belgium, for the evaluation of the Policy Research Centre Economy and Entrepreneurship. She has also been a member of a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) expert workshop to inform government policy on how to maximise the impact of R&D investment, and she has acted as an academic advisor to The Behavioural Insights Team.

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